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研究戦略イニシアティブ推進機構長 永田恭介
筑波大学「知」活用プログラム ~多彩な研究が新型コロナウイルスに挑む~
●理化学研究所 計算科学研究センター:新型コロナウイルス対策を目的とした研究開発を「富岳」上で実施。研究機関・研究者からの研究提案募集
1 プログラム概要
A. 短期集中型
B. 中期型

2 募集要項
<募集要項>新型コロナウイルス緊急対策のための大学「知」活用プログラム [PDF](学内専用)
<別紙1>本プログラムが想定する研究課題の例 [PDF](学内専用)
3 応募期間
2020年4月28日(火)~ 5月11日(月)17:00
4 応募方法
- 下のリンクより申請書をダウンロードして記入しPDFファイルにしてください。
<申請書>新型コロナウイルス緊急対策のための大学「知」活用プログラム(日英併記) [WORD](学内専用) - 学内公募支援システム(u-Rad)で申請者基本情報を直接入力し、申請書PDFをアップロードしてください。
5 その他伝達事項
- 応募締め切り後、各部局研究支援担当に、所属研究者の応募情報をお知らせします。
- 採否の発表は申請者と所属部局研究支援担当宛お知らせした後、本ウェブサイト上で公表します。
- 募集要項、申請書等全ての関係書類は学内IP・またはVPNを通してダウンロード可能です。
<参考>筑波大学情報環境機構 学術情報メディアセンター VPNサービス
6 募集要項・様式等一覧
- <通知>新型コロナウイルス緊急対策のための大学「知」活用プログラム実施について[PDF]
- <募集要項>新型コロナウイルス緊急対策のための大学「知」活用プログラム [PDF]
- <別紙1>本事業プログラムが想定する研究課題の例 [PDF]
- <申請書>新型コロナウイルス緊急対策のための大学「知」活用プログラム(日英併記) [WORD]
- Call for Applications for “Program to Apply the Wisdom of the Universityto tackle COVID -19 Related Emergency Problems”
【英語版】<通知>新型コロナウイルス緊急対策のための大学「知」活用プログラム実施について - Application Procedure for Program to Apply the Wisdom of the University to tackle COVID -19 Related Emergency Problems[PDF]
【英語版】<募集要項>新型コロナウイルス緊急対策のための大学「知」活用プログラム - (Attachment1) Examples of research subjects envisioned by this program [PDF]
URA研究戦略推進室 萩原、長田
Eメール: uketsuke1[at]un.tsukuba.ac.jp ※[at]を半角@に替えてください。
In order to contribute to overcoming the COVID-19 crisis on a global scale, we urgently conduct an open-call research program on campus, so called “Program to Apply the Wisdom of the University to tackle COVID -19 Related Emergency Problems”. We hope that experts in all fields of our university will demonstrate their research capabilities here.
We have asked each researcher to conduct research and educational activities by telework environment due to restrict access to the laboratory. From another point of view, it is expected that not only medical scientists but also all faculty members will exert their own research power in the current crisis The expectations of researchers are also shown in the contents of measures such as supplementary budgets of each ministry.
To tackle the ongoing crisis and to build a safe human society in the future, we wish to gather many excellent ideas of researchers from their respective fields. We also request that the results of this program be disseminated to society in a timely manner so that we can quickly contribute to the global society.
Please inform all researchers in each department about this program because application period is rather short. We would like to ask all the faculty members for their understanding and cooperation.
NAGATA Kyosuke, Director of Organization for the Promotion of Strategic Initiatives
1 Outline
Research to be applied
The application must be made by a researcher who belongs to the University of Tsukuba. Applicable to all research fields, and the research phase can broad, either basic or applied.
Research themes should be original and pioneering. These are expected to contribute to both academia and society. Some examples of possible research are shown in Attachment 1. However, it is not limited to them.
We welcome any proposals that will lead to the acquisition of external funds or joint research with other institutions, based on the results of this program.
A) Short-term type
It is essential to obtain results that can be published in this fiscal year. The research period is from May 25th to October 30th.This type supports research outreach activities (quick publication of web survey results or creations, publication of research results, preparation work costs such as proofreading, etc.). After the research period, we will continue to support the public relations expenses necessary for social communication until February 26th, 2021. These are supported separately from the research cost. In addition, the URA Research Strategy Promotion Office will support the project in conducting effective outreach. (https://loftwork.com/en/project/tsukuba_ura/)
B) Mid-term type
Intended for research proposals that require longer research term. The following studies are envisioned: detailed and extensive exploratory studies, studies that require a certain period of verification, studies that are technically difficult to carry out in a short period of time, studies on the late stage of the COVID-19 crisis.
In this type, effort and funding weights go into the research activity itself rather than outreach. However, it is essential to publish the results on the web page by the end of the research period.
2 Application Procedure
Please check the application Procedure when applying.
Note: Research topics with which you can apply for the present grant are not limited to those shown above.
You can download all the files below through the campus IP address or VPN.
3 Period of application
From Tue, April, 28th to Mon, May, 11th, 2020, 17:00
4 How to apply
Step1: Download application.
Step.2: Visit an electronic submission system u-Rad
- https://u-rad.sec.tsukuba.ac.jp/login/index.php?support_id=nzZRIQji1ufVrnCx0UsPhw%3D%3D
- How to use the submission system “u-Rad”
User’s guide
Login to u-Rad
Step3: Input the basic information of applicant in u-Rad
Step4: Create pdf files of the application document, and submit it through u-Rad.