Public Event
Toward a society that leaves no one behind with developmental disabilities in adolescence and adulthood
Issues surrounding people with developmental disabilities in adolescence and adulthood inc...

Public Event
University of Tsukuba “Elucidation of the generation process of social isolation and development of intervention methods: Aiming for healthy “individuality”” research group
Special Symposium ‘ Realizing Healthy Independent Society ‘
This symposium will discuss whether “social isolation” can really be seen as a negative th...

Public Event
TGSW2022 -Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022-
As the pace of globalization continues unabated, humankind has come to face global challen...

Public Event
The Role of University of Tsukuba in Creating a Sustainable Society: Initiatives of Organization for DESIGN THE FUTURE (TGSW2022 session5-7)
University of Tsukuba is engaged in research and education that contribute to solving the ...

Public Event
Tsukuba Plant Innovation Research Center
TGSW2022 – Tsukuba Global Science Week 2022 -Genetic Resources and Food Security – Protection and Utilization through International Cooperation
Our dining table is decorated with a wide variety of agricultural products such as grains,...

My Timeline (individual make-your-own disaster prevention action plan) Workshop
Bachelor’s Program in Global Issues (BPGI), an English program designed to develop human r...

BPGI (Bachelor’s Program in Global Issues)
My Timeline Workshop for foreigners
In collaboration with Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, the River Information Center, and the...

Students Only
“The Japanese Constitution and Diplomacy” The 2nd TSUKUBA Lecture on Constitutional Law
School of Social and International Studies invites Mr Motohide Yoshikawa (Distinguished Pr...

Public Event
Tsukuba Conference 2021
SEPTEMBER 21(TUE.) - 30 (THU.)

Public Event
International Joint Symposium of Agro-Biomedical Science in Food and Health : leap to the future
Food-related health problems and lifestyle-related diseases, issues of food security, and ...

Public Event
Bioresource engineering-colloid and nano technology toward solution of environmental problems
A recent report on the marine microplastic problem mentioned the plastic debris have becom...

Public Event
Agriculture X AI: Self Sufficiencey in Food Production to Achieve Society 5.0 and SDG’s Globally
South and Southeast Asia is one of the major agricultural hubs of the world, facing challe...