EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 12 of 374
A Cat-Like Robot Mimicking Bunting Behavior to Alleviate Human Tension
Canceling Effect of Genetics and Environmental Changes on Bacterial Growth
Brachial Arterial Adaptations in College Baseball Players
Gas Exchange and Lactate Threshold in Rats Are Valid Indicators of Moderate-Intensity Aerobic Exercise
Developing Printable Droplet Laser Displays
Unidentified Jumping Bristletail Was Found to Have Important Evolutionary Characteristics in Insect Reproductive Behavior
Optimal Decision-Making in an Ayu Fish School via a Flexible System Based on Role Sharing
Large-Scale Wildfires in Radiologically Contaminated Areas Found to Boost Radionuclide Mobility in Rivers
Relative Correction of Experimental Results as Training Data are Crucial for Optimizing Culture Media Using Machine Learning
Elucidating the Neural Mechanisms of Stress-Induced Cardiovascular Responses
Developing a Cyclic Molecule That Captures Phosphate in Harmony with Water Molecules
Classifying Balance Ability Characteristics for Different Sports Based on Quantitative Indicators