EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 12 of 374

High-performance Magnesium-Air Primary Battery with Nitrogen-doped Nanoporous Graphene as Air Electrodes

Older Adult Drivers Have a Lower Risk of Causing Motor Vehicle Crashes than Young Ones

Elucidating the Neural Basis for Expression of Estrous Female Odor Preference in Male Mice

The First Global Demonstration of Nonalcoholic Beverages Reducing Alcohol Consumption: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Multiple Novel Yeast Species Detected in the Gut of Green Lacewing in Japan

Advanced Assistive Technology for Predicting Organ Deformation During Radiotherapy Utilizing Image Information

Trigonelline Derived from Coffee Improves Cognitive Functions

MRI Observation of Human Embryos at a One-Hundredth-of-Millimeter Resolution

Brainwave Activity for Assessing Depressed Mood in Healthy People

Deriving the Fundamental Limit of Heat Current in Quantum Mechanical Many-Particle Systems

Measurement of Skeletal Muscle Mass Using the Bioelectrical Impedance Technic in Athletes

Social Environment Experienced by Mothers Influences Sons’ Reproductive Tactics