EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 12 of 18
The Roles and Responsibilities of Health and Physical Education Teachers in Teaching Japanese Language Learners
Unraveling the Difficulties of Setting Efficacy Endpoints in Early-Stage Clinical Trials of Brain Tumor Drugs
Gender Differences in Reducing Alcohol Consumption through Alcohol-free Beers or Mocktails
Understanding the Neuroendocrine Basis for Social Anxiety-Like Behavior in Male Mice
A Novel Perspective on Evolution of Cooperation in Multiplex Networks through Asymmetry between Interaction and Replacement
Elucidating the Neural Basis for Expression of Estrous Female Odor Preference in Male Mice
The First Global Demonstration of Nonalcoholic Beverages Reducing Alcohol Consumption: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Communication Robot for Preventing Isolation of the Elderly
Recognizing the State’s Positive Obligation Can Help Protect the Right to Life: An Interpretation of the Constitution in Anthropocene
Scared of Injections? Try a Wearable Soft Robot to Ease Aversion to Needles
Mental Health Issues in Quarantined Cruisers
Making Sense of Socially Enhanced Aggression in the Brain