EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 12 of 55
Synthesis of a Cost-Effective, High-Durability Non-noble Metal Alloy Anode as an Alternative to Iridium Oxide Anodes
Discovery of a Light-Responsive Mechanism Whereby Sea Urchins Open the Entrance and Exit to Their Intestines
Study Reveals Impact of Modified Ball Regulations on Game Performance in Handball
Differences in the Effectiveness of Nonalcoholic Beverage Provision in Reducing Alcohol Consumption Depending on the Degree of Problem Drinking
Revolutionary Technology for Real-time Stream-based Data Compression and Decompression
Novel Method for Compactly Implementing Image-Recognizing AI
Convergent Evolution of Algal CO2-Fixing Organelles
Discovery of Primitive Mitochondrial DNA Replication Enzymes
Illustrating the Relationship between Pedestrian Movement and Urban Characteristics Using Large-Scale GPS Data
Mechanism of Plants Obtain Nitrogen by Supplying Iron to Symbiotic Bacteria
Gender Differences in Reducing Alcohol Consumption through Alcohol-free Beers or Mocktails
Discovery of a New Hall Effect: Does It Violate Onsager’s reciprocal theorem?