EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 12 of 52
Developing Printable Droplet Laser Displays
Developing a Cyclic Molecule That Captures Phosphate in Harmony with Water Molecules
Synthesis of a Cost-Effective, High-Durability Non-noble Metal Alloy Anode as an Alternative to Iridium Oxide Anodes
Direct Observation of the Breaking of Carbon Nanotube Fibers Caused by Molecular Slippage
Investigating Performance Limitations in Cost-Effective Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells
Innovative Approach for Synthesizing Common Plastics Using Remote Spark Discharge
A New Method for Successfully Measuring Electrical Conductivity in Microorganisms―Approaching Understanding of Microbial Ecosystems
Discovery of Primitive Mitochondrial DNA Replication Enzymes
Successful Synthesis of Helical Conductive Polymers with Circular Polarization Activity in Response to Magnetic Fields
Photosynthetic Mechanism of Purple Sulfur Bacterium Adapted to Low-Calcium Environments
Efficient Oxidation of Hydrophobic Aromatic Organic Substrates in Water
Mechanism of Plants Obtain Nitrogen by Supplying Iron to Symbiotic Bacteria