EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
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Tsukuba Athlete Restaurant (TAR)
Sustainable Local Community Planning Centered on the University Through Meals and Sports
Sport Policy
Research on the system and impacts of Lex Olympica
Bio-functional Control and Regenerative Research Group
Developing Antioxidative Nanoparticle Medicine (RNP) for Cerebral Infarction
Bio-functional Control and Regenerative Research Group
Research on Function Recovery Treatment with the HAL Robot Suit
Bio-functional Control and Regenerative Research Group
Regenerative Treatment Research Through Neural Stem Cells Extracted from Intraoral Mesenchymal Cells
International Food Pharmaceuticals
New Industry Development Research Through Development of Evidence-based Food Pharmaceutical Resource Seeds
Interdisciplinary Autism Research
Development of a Program to Promote Parent-Child Interaction in Family Environments for Children with Autism
Behavioral Neuroscience on the Hormonal Basis of Social Behavior
The social brain: The role of hormones on the formation of social bonding, KIZUNA
Public Health Promotion
Efficacy of Exercise and Sports for Health Preservation of Middle-aged, Elderly and Disabled Persons
Public Health Promotion
Formation and Function of Sense of Coherence (SOC), the Ability to Manage Stress
Biopsychosocial Interventions for People with Dementia
Biopsychosocial Interventions for People with Dementia
Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics
Development of Immunotherapy Targeting Immunoreceptors for Treatment of Intractable Immune Diseases