EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 12 of 374
Unraveling the Neural Circuitry Behind Stress-Induced Respiratory Changes
New Image-Processing Method for Enhanced Visualization of Electron Microscope Images in Rubber Materials
Developing an Evaluation Scale to Predict the Risk of Requiring Long-Term Care Based on Three Simple Physical Performance Tests
Regional Disparities in Home Healthcare Utilization for Older Adults and their Associated Factors
New Method for Evaluating Male Subfertility Based on Trace Element Analysis
Exploring Factors Affecting Workers’ Acquisition of Exercise Habits Using Machine Learning Approaches
A Novel Classification Method for Adult Spinal Deformity Diseases Using Deep Learning of Gait Data
Current Test Accommodations for Students with Blindness Do Not Fully Address Their Needs
Estimated Proximal Tubule Fluid Phosphate Concentration is Associated with Elevated Tubular Injury Biomarker Levels in Early Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease
Synthesis of a Cost-Effective, High-Durability Non-noble Metal Alloy Anode as an Alternative to Iridium Oxide Anodes
Direct Observation of the Breaking of Carbon Nanotube Fibers Caused by Molecular Slippage
Meta-Learning of Motor Skills in the Dorsal Premotor Cortex of the Brain