EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 12 of 55

Caught in the Act: Key Chemical Intermediates in Pollutant-to-Fuel Reaction Identified

Spines of Life: Fast-Breeding Sea Urchin Provides New Model for Genetic Research

Uncovering the Secret of Ternary Polymer Solar Cell Success

Eye City eco project in Tsukuba
Recycling activities using disposable contact lenses

Center for Computational Sciences
Research on the Evaluation Method for Risk of Heat Stroke at the 2018 Regional Adaptation Consortium Project for the Kanto Area

Center for Computational Sciences
Social Implementation Program on Climate Change Adaptation Technology (Research on development of technology for evaluation of the impact of climate change: Topic (i) Development of sectoral impact and adaptation measure evaluation technology for climate change, Sub-Topic e: Development of a heat environment and health impact model for evaluation of adaptation measures)

School of Social and International Studies
TSUKUBA Lecture on Constitutional Law

Mountain Science Center
Environmentally-friendly and sustainable agriculture through sediment transport management at the basin level

Mountain Science Center
Passing down untapped genetic resources: Constructing measures on a regional basis for ecosystem utilization that protect rare plants and host-specific microorganisms

Plasma Research Center
Developing and Applying Core Energy from Nuclear Fusion Generation

Microbiology Research Center for Sustainability
Development of microbe-based environmental control technology

Microbiology Research Center for Sustainability
Development of bio-compound using microbe functions