EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 12 of 227

Elucidation of the Neural Circuitry Inducing REM Sleep and Investigation of the Cause of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

Real-Time Visualization of Chick Embryo Development from Egg to Chick

Differences in the Effectiveness of Nonalcoholic Beverage Provision in Reducing Alcohol Consumption Depending on the Degree of Problem Drinking

Synaptic Strength Regulates Sleep Quantity and Quality

Soil Volatile Organic Compound Profiles as Indicators for Soil Evaluation in Soybean Fields

Naldemedine Prevents Opioid-Induced Constipation in Patients with Cancer

Unraveling the Role of Macrophages in Regulating Inflammatory Lipids during Acute Kidney Injury

Elucidating the Mechanism Underlying de novo Membrane Formation during Gametogenesis

Sharing Biosignals with Online Gaming Partners to Enhance a Mutual Sense of Social Presence Between Complete Strangers

Uncovering the Cause of Regulatory T-Cell Dysfunction in Elderly-Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis

Influence of Ribosome Chemical Properties on Protein Conformation During Translation

Risk Factors Associated with Deteriorated Ambulation Status Following Different Conservative Treatments for Spinal Compression Fractures