EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 12 of 139

Advanced Assistive Technology for Predicting Organ Deformation During Radiotherapy Utilizing Image Information

Deriving the Fundamental Limit of Heat Current in Quantum Mechanical Many-Particle Systems

Clarifying the Effective Allocation of Research Funding to Facilitate Nobel-Prize-Class Research Results and Innovations

Ultrasound-based Microfluidic Manipulation Platform for Airborne Droplets

Highly Active Catalyst for Alkaline Water Electrolysis using Typical Elements

A Method for Predicting the Impact of Low Temperature on Eucalyptus Trees Widely Used for Plantations

Multiscale Rupture Growth Driven by a Complex Fault Network during the 2023 Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Doublet

Imaging of Electronic Molecular Orbitals of Single Molecules Using Field Emission Microscopy

Operation Mechanism of Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells: A Cheaper Alternative to Organic Light-Emitting Diodes

Artificial Intelligence for Culture Medium Optimization

Microscopic Syringes for Stressed Out Strep

New Insights into Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance