Organization for DESIGN THE FUTURE
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EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba

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Evolution of Industry Innovation Based on Accelerators and Radiation Technology


Through efforts towards industrial use, innovations created to apply accelerators and radiation technology used in particle, nuclear and other pure science research contribute to the fulfillment of SDGs. Quantum beams from highly controlled accelerators and radionuclides are applied to a diverse range of fields beyond analysis and modification of materials, such as geo-environmental science, space exploration and new functional material development, leading to the creation of new research fields. A wide variety of industry-university collaborative research is conducted using the world’s most advanced multi-purpose 6 MV tandem accelerator owned by the University of Tsukuba.


This research unit serves as a base for advanced measurement of underutilized information for the cabinet-run Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program (SIP)’s Structural Materials for Innovation. Conducted at the Tsukuba Innovation Arena (TIA), the unit handles measurement for the development of structural materials needed to improve energy efficiency. Additionally, the radiation resistance test equipment components developed for space use jointly with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) are aimed at making space radiation environments possible on the ground that will lead to a space exploration industry development base in the Tsukuba area.


Furthermore, sharing accelerators and other advanced measuring equipment has contributed to creating global-level human resources who will usher in innovation, through post-graduate education of standards higher than are possible for a single university or research organization and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology’s Program for Developing Next-Generation Researchers.


Promotion of industry innovation and supply of high-skill human resources through advanced quantum beam



Tandem Accelerator Center, Research Facility Center for Science and Technology
Tsukuba Innovation Arena (TIA)

Main member

SASA Kimikazu

Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences (Tandem Accelerator Center)


Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


Associate Professor, Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences


Associate Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences

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