EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
New Industry Development Research Through Development of Evidence-based Food Pharmaceutical Resource Seeds
We aim to create new value-added functional food and foster new industry through function analysis of food pharmaceutical and oleaginous plants, adding high value through development of seeds for which performance is secured and advanced processing technology as well as constructing stable production bases through ecosystem analysis and productivity analysis.
To these ends, we promote evidence-based bioresource development research, extract the ability to create high value-added products and collaborate with private food and cosmetic companies with the goal of developing and highly utilizing bioresource seeds guaranteed by our quality and stability assurance system and developing functional food products and quasi-drug cosmetic materials.
Specifically, we target regional food pharmaceutical resources to develop food and cosmetic materials based on functional ingredient analysis and medical epidemiologic study and research with the goal of development of technology that can differentiate producing region or type and technology for productization. We also conduct integrated ecological analysis as well as value chain analysis of manufacture, export and consumption to unify development of food pharmaceutical resource seeds based on scientific evidence with development research on high value-added functional foods.
We have achieved solid results so far, with “Valorization of Bio-resources based on Scientific Evidence in Semi- and Arid Land for Creation of New Industry” (2015-2021) being adopted by JST-JICA Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS).
While further incorporating SATREPS project research results into private company business, further social implementation ties to business, and private companies working to achieve business utilizing these research results are adopted by the Business Development Program aimed at fulfilling SDGs. In this support program, we will develop business models in collaboration with private companies.
Reference URL
SATREPS “Valorization of Bio-resources based on Scientific Evidence in Semi- and Arid Land for Creation of New Industry”:https://www.jst.go.jp/global/english/kadai/h2706_tunisia.html
“SATREPS SDGs Utilizing Project Results: Business Development Support Program”:https://www.jst.go.jp/global/pdf/satreps_sdgs2018.pdf
Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
Professor, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences
Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
NAGAO Masaya
Professor, Kyoto University
KATAKURA Yoshinori
Associate Professor, Kyushu University