EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Strategic Application of Synthesis of Technologies for Geospatial Information Analysis
Geospatial information has a growing size and higher complexity in the age of big data, advanced IoT and ICT technology. As information technology has become increasingly important in social projects and policy decisions these years, the geospatial information also has the potential to be applied effectively and appropriately.
Taking the spatial design of future society as our objective, our research unit aims to collect geospatial big data, to explore its application approach, and to apply the data and the methods to studies on spatial design using mathematical modeling techniques. In this unit, we will create a synergy of geospatial analysis technologies from a variety of related fields, including geography, urban planning, and social engineering.
Moving forward, we aim to develop a decision-making framework using geospatial data and its application in practice, then to propose societal mechanisms that support such policy-making methods efficiently. The following research fields will be covered: research on safety from crimes and natural disaster risk; research on safe, efficient and environmentally friendly transport system; research on maintenance and renewal of obsolete urban infrastructure; and research on “compact-and-network” urban planning approach.
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Information and Systems