EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Research on the system and impacts of Lex Olympica
Our research unit is carrying out research on current issues concerning sport policy. With the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games not far away, a key project of ours is research on the system and impacts of Lex Olympica, which is being carried out with a JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research.
Lex Olympica is the legal norm system of the Olympic Movement, centering on the Olympic Charter established by the International Olympic Committee. The Olympic Charter establishes the fundamental principles rules of Olympism and encompasses a wide range of values, principles and spirits related to sports including culture, education, lifestyle, ethics, peace, social responsibility, harmonious development of humanity, no discrimination, mutual understanding, good governance and freedom. The IOC also adopted the Olympic Agenda 2020 in 2014. This comprises 40 strategies for the future of the Olympic Movement, centering on including sutainability within the Olympics and the Olympic Movement. Sustainability is a philosophy of have a philosophy of Lex Olympica and the Olympic Charter, and these are norms linked to the SDGs in a variety of ways. The United Nations has already carried out various initiatives concerning sports and sustainable development, and sports is an important enabler of sustainable development into the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It has been recognized that sports can contribute to respect for humanity, development, peace, health, education, social inclusion, empowerment of women, young people and communities (http://www.unic.or.jp/news_press/features_backgrounders/18389/).
Our research unit is currently compiling the results of our research on the Olympic Charter, with a focus on identifying IOC initiatives and principles that are relevant to the SDGs.
Research on the System and Impacts of Lex Olympica (page on the research topic of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research B)
Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences
ISIDO Norihide
Professor, Chukyo University
Professor, Doshisha University
KANEKO Fumihiro
Associate Professor, Ritsumeikan University
KUSAKA Tomoaki
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya