EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Research on the Evaluation Method for Risk of Heat Stroke at the 2018 Regional Adaptation Consortium Project for the Kanto Area
The effects of climate change depend on a variety of factors, such as regional climate, topography and socioeconomic conditions. It is also important to advance efforts to adapt to the effects of climate change in region-appropriate ways that protect the local infrastructure and regional development of the area.
The Regional Adaptation Consortium Project consists of the Regional Adaptation Consortium Nation-Wide Management and Survey Consignment Project plus Regional Adaptation Consortium Local Consignment Projects in 1. Hokkaido/Tohoku, 2. Kanto, 3. Chubu, 4. Kinki, 5. Chugoku/Shikoku and 6. Kyushu/Okinawa for a total of seven. To promote consideration of region-specific adaptation measures, information regarding climate change impact according to regional needs is collected and organized while establishing a cooperative system of local public organizations, universities, research institutes and other local bodies to investigate climate change impact. This three-year plan was implemented in 2017.
The topic of this research is the local consignment project for Kanto region listed in 2, above. Our study area is Saitama city that is a model city for this project, we are developing and validating statistical models, validating downscaling method with the WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting), and providing collaboration as well as counsel in order to assist with the FY2018 Arrangement and Construction of Evaluation Methods for Heat Stroke Risk which has been positioned as one of the survey items related to climate change impact.
Reference: Regional Adaptation Consortium Project website:
Professor, Center for Computational Sciences