Organization for DESIGN THE FUTURE
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EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba

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Optimizing Human Physical and Mental Performance Based on Mind, Technique and Body


In order to realize a “society of health and longevity” as advocated by the government, it is vital that we solve the world-wide “decline in the vitality of people and society”. In order to solve this issue via the societal function of sports, the government established the Basic Act on Sports (2011), based on the Strategy for Sports Nation launched in 2010, and established the Sports Agency. Additionally, comprehensive measures to disseminate the practice of sport are being developed based on specific Basic Act on Sports measures (phase 1: 2012-2016 phase 2: 2017-2021). These measures are also vital as “life innovation through sports”, through which we improve physical and mental health.


Despite opportunities to accelerate the realization of these goals, the sports lifestyle has taken hold of not even 30 percent of the population, with lack of exercise that is a factor in lifestyle diseases, obesity, stress, depression, dementia, etc., continuing to spread. To handle this, we must focus on exercise and environmental conditions that allow everyone to enjoy sports happily in their daily lives. And we must also establish an all-in-one research system that combines multidisciplinary research from a broad perspective that covers everything from molecules to activity to clarify the effect on health of mind and body, those mechanisms and optimizing the ability to do so (Human High Performance: HHP) with translational research that connects those results to the field.


At the Advanced Research Initiative for Human High Performance (ARIHHP), University of Tsukuba, we collaborate with centers for basic sciences such as life sciences, neurosciences and engineering both inside and outside Japan to promote “Next Generation Sciences for Human Performance” that introduces cutting-edge life science, cognitive science and advanced sports technology for everyone from athletes and healthy people to the those suffering illness or disease.

For our HHP technology based on the mind, technique and body, we develop integrated programs that regulate exercise, nutrition, rest and sleep as well as sports technology and equipment needed for the continued enjoyment of sports.


Reference URL:


Human High Performance concept


Main member

SOYA Hideaki

Director and Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences


Dean and Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences

ASAI Takeshi

Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences


Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences


Professor, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences

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