EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Theoretical Model for Nuclear Transmutation Data of High-level Radioactive Waste
Nuclear power generation produces the nuclear waste with highly radioactive elements. It is called “high-level radioactive waste” which contains many nuclides with a long half-life. They emit radiation for a very long time, thus, their disposal is extremely problematic. In Japan, the final disposal site has not been determined yet. However, apart from the radioactive emission, there are ample valuable resources in the long-lived fission products (LLFP) from the uranium fission.
The ultimate goal of this research project is to reduce the burden and environmental risks associated with treatment and disposal of the radioactive waste, and to enable effective use of resources. For this purpose, we aim at transmutation of long-lived nuclides into shorter-lived nuclides (or conversely into stable nuclides). As a preparation stage, we must first collect, analyze, and evaluate a large amount of fundamental data. To acquire a large amount of nuclear reaction data on unknown nuclei, we need not only experiments at the latest experimental facilities with novel techniques, but also advances in nuclear structure and reaction theories. It is also important to construct nuclear data, that are difficult to obtain in experiments, using the theoretical calculations.
We work on this research project in collaboration with other universities and research institutes. At the University of Tsukuba, we refine theoretical models and develop new models for nuclear structure and reactions, with the code development of the large-scale numerical calculations necessary in future.
Professor, Center for Computational Sciences
OGATA Kazuyuki
Associate Professor, Osaka University
AIKAWA Masayuki
Professor, Hokkaido University
JAEA Group Leader