EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 12 of 30

Artificial Intelligence for Culture Medium Optimization

New Insights into Bacterial Antibiotic Resistance

Does Throwing My Voice Make You Want to Shop Here?

Caught in the Act: Key Chemical Intermediates in Pollutant-to-Fuel Reaction Identified

When the Rust Settles: Uncovering the Movements of Coffee Leaf Rust Disease

Microbiology Research Center for Sustainability
Development of bio-compound using microbe functions

Center for Computational Sciences
Theoretical Model for Nuclear Transmutation Data of High-level Radioactive Waste

School of Social and International Studies
TSUKUBA Lecture on Constitutional Law

Eye City eco project in Tsukuba
Recycling activities using disposable contact lenses

Tsukuba Athlete Restaurant (TAR)
Sustainable Local Community Planning Centered on the University Through Meals and Sports

Life Science Center for Survival Dynamics
Identification and characterization of environmentally-friendly insecticides

Sport Policy
Research on the system and impacts of Lex Olympica