EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
Showing 7 of 43

Colloid Engineering in Bio-resources
Environmental Interface Engineering Based on Dynamic Analysis of Colloidal Focculation

Quantum Beams
Tertiary battery charged by environmental heat – Sensor power supply that realizes Society 5.0

Center for Computational Sciences
Research on the Evaluation Method for Risk of Heat Stroke at the 2018 Regional Adaptation Consortium Project for the Kanto Area

Center for Computational Sciences
Social Implementation Program on Climate Change Adaptation Technology (Research on development of technology for evaluation of the impact of climate change: Topic (i) Development of sectoral impact and adaptation measure evaluation technology for climate change, Sub-Topic e: Development of a heat environment and health impact model for evaluation of adaptation measures)

Kondo Lab. (Nano material laboratory)
Stacking the Deck—Layers of Crystalline Nanosheets Enable Tunable Electronic Properties

Polymer Coating Accelerates Fuel Production

Driving Lessons: Study Finds Road Safety Campaigns Tied to Fewer Deaths