EFFORTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TSUKUBAEfforts of University of Tsukuba
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Research for Support of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education
Research on Achieving Neurodiversity in Higher Education

Inclusive Education System Development
Developing Pre-service/In-service Training Standards to Develop Inclusive Education Curriculum Standards and Ensure Education Quality

Proton Medical Research
Advancement of Cancer Treatment Methods and Education of Specialized Human Resources

School of Social and International Studies
TSUKUBA Lecture on Constitutional Law

Tsukuba Athlete Restaurant (TAR)
Sustainable Local Community Planning Centered on the University Through Meals and Sports

Sport Policy
Research on the system and impacts of Lex Olympica

Archive Materials
Strengthening Cultural Heritage Preservation Through Construction of Archival Materials

Global Human Resource Development
Training Global Leaders for Sustainable Economic Development

Interdisciplinary Autism Research
Development of a Program to Promote Parent-Child Interaction in Family Environments for Children with Autism

Tandem Accelerator Center, Research Facility Center for Science and Technology
Evolution of Industry Innovation Based on Accelerators and Radiation Technology

Behavioral Neuroscience on the Hormonal Basis of Social Behavior
The social brain: The role of hormones on the formation of social bonding, KIZUNA

Public Health Promotion
Formation and Function of Sense of Coherence (SOC), the Ability to Manage Stress