

文化 culture



2020.7.2-4で開催された International Conference on Night Studies において池田真利子助教(芸術系)が発表しました。

Cultural Policies and Night-times Economies in Germany/Berlin and Japan/Tokyo
C. MORGNER, and M. IKEDA, 1st International Conference of Night Studies, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, 2020(7/2)
- Summary
This paper addresses the rise of night-time economies in two major countries in the Global North (Germany and Japan) from a cultural policy perspective, focusing in particular on Berlin and Tokyo as major night-time hubs. Building on existing research, which has typically focused on major Western economic hubs like London and New York, the paper makes two main contributions by (1) comparing the development of cultural policy in two distinct global regions and (2) highlighting the role of culture and cultural histories, spaces and meanings in shaping relevant policies. The paper enhances existing understanding of policy cycles that account for these complex entanglements and resists any stereotypical account of cultural planning and distribution.

都市のナイトライフ街区を形成し,文化的アメニティでもある「夜間音楽経済(Night-time Music Economy)」は,2020年8月現在にメディアを賑わす「夜の店/夜の街」と同様,2020年3月を境に運営の困難な状況に置かれました。それは,夜間音楽経済施設(例えばライブハウスやクラブ,ライブバー)が「3密(密閉・密集・密接)」を回避することが困難なことに起因しています。

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